March 2006

  • War on Pop-Up Pollution!

    Pop-up creators are polluting our fragile web eco-system – they must look to alternatives. Now pop-ups are infiltrating people’s homes and messing-up the web eco-system.You might not realise it, but your friends, family and co-workers are all suffering from the long-term consequences of pop-up pollution. Common  symptoms include cluttered desk-tops, confused navigators and homeless browser…

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  • Online Census Flopped?

    The online census attracted less than half the expected number the Dominion Post reported yesterday. Less than half the expected number of people filled out the new Online Census.The paper reported that Statistics NZ had hoped that 15-20 per cent of the population would complete the census online, based on dry runs conducted last year…

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  • Eco Entrepreneurs

    Peter, a retired engineer who lives in Waitati (near Dunedin), says he has designed a prototype system which will convert household organic waste into biodiesel fuel. His contraption links up to an existing ‘insinkerator’ disposal unit or can be fed directly with compost and shredded garden waste. “With my system anybody can make biodiesel. It’s…

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  • Just “waiting for the real thing?”

    Ever had a brilliant idea that could potentially ‘spice-up’ a business, the world wide web, or the planet? Like many creative people my great ideas often stay “just ideas”. They tend to languish and then fade away. Except, in my case they don’t always fade away – a few abandoned concepts have come back to…

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  • A Cultivated Census

    In my blog a few days ago (about the poor design and usability of the New Zealand online Census), drew bundles of feedback and criticism from various quarters. Comments I received via email and on other websites included: Agreements… ” I have to agree with the blog – a simple URL is a lot easier…

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  • Holding the Online Census to Account

    The online version of the New Zealand 2006 Census is littered with unnecessary design and usability issues. For the first time New Zealand citizens have the option of doing the census online – which is brilliant news. So I thought I’d give it a go. I was truly expecting a slick, web savvy and usable…

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  • Helen Gets a Little Bit Bold(er)

    My blog a few weeks ago (‘I want my bioethanol now’) sparked a number of responses from my readers (and since then I’ve also gained over 100 new subscribers!) Helen likes Sweden’s bold vision… Obviously alternative fuels is a hot topic and in the past few days has also re-entered the political arena in New…

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