TV3 Website Gives Me Nightmares

Just when I thought the web was actually going through a revival with usability, web standards, AJAX taking hold – and New Zealanders actually starting to churn out some pretty decent websitesTV3 had to come along and trash the party.

Obviously TV3′s web designers needed a ‘What’s Hot/What’s Not’ list – so I’ve created one for them…


  • CSS
  • AJAX (in small doses)
  • Accessibility
  • Resizable fonts
  • Information architecture/design
  • Simplicity


  • White text on black
  • Scrolling/ticker tapes
  • table tags (in most cases)
  • Small font sizes
  • Fixed font sizes
  • Clutter
  • Frames/scrolling
  • Dark text on a dark background
  • Light text on a light background

One response to “TV3 Website Gives Me Nightmares”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Anyone know who designed the site? Might have been mothership CanWest calling the shots from Canada?