May 2007

  • Feedback from Power to the People

    Apologies to my regular subscribers – I’m not keeping pace with my goal of two blogs a week. Part of the reason is the return of my dj turntables (I sold them in 1999 – now they’re back!), gathering and stacking firewood for the winter (which we’re told is “still coming”), and my work at…

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  • Good News Zealand

    I’m going a little off topic from ‘User Experience in IT’ this week to user experiences of a different sort… It has been an interesting week for New Zealand with a plethora of "good news" stories. Beating is for Eggs First of all the so called "anti-smacking bill" (a far more accurate term would have…

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  • Reflections on Power to the People

    Today I co-presented a full day workshop at GOVIS 2007 here in Wellington. I didn’t think I’d make it having spent the last few days in bed with an aggressive case of bacterial sinutus. Over the weekend I’d taken nasty antibiotics (for the first time in living memory), and was feeling a tad strange… My…

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  • stuck in a reality distortion field

    If you haven’t heard from me in recent weeks it’s because I’m stupidly busy, and when I get extra busy I often end up in a strange ‘reality distortion field’ where the busier I get the more I suddenly decide to take on. I don’t know if this is a sign of abject stupidity or…

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