blogger blogs blogging

I’ve been contemplating if I should ditch my blog and vanish. What do you think?

jimi at webstock
Hendrix – Webstock – Spock : What's the hidden link?

While my blog subscribers have halved in the past year, the other statistics indicate this (niche) site is still reasonably popular, attracting over 100,000 unique visitors in the past 12 months.

So, I know you’re out there and I’d love to hear from you. Even if you don’t regularly comment on blogs, please consider taking a minute to tell me and the other readers:

1. Who are you? If it’s not too personal, what’s your name and job title?
2. What industry or field do you work in or most strongly identify with?
3. What do you most want to see happening on this blog?

And anything else you want to talk about.

And if you are new here or need a reminder here’s a list of the articles I’ve published on this site over the past few years…